What shoes for Walking and Standing on Concrete all day?

Introduction If you want to be successful at your profession or vocation, you must be willing to learn more than the technical skills required to succeed in that profession. Every profession is like a community, and it has its own set of unique standards. Most of these standards are unspoken rules and codes which you … Read more

How Can I clean My White Shoes

Overview Wearing a shoe has a lot of importance, it serves as a means of protection to our feet, it prevents foot pains. It makes us feel comfortable, accessible, fashionable. Overall, it shows how mentally fit we are. Seeing a person walking without a shoe brings a lot of doubt to our mind, we start … Read more

What Is The History Of Basketball Shoes? When Were They Invented?

Overview Like most sporting goods, basketball shoes were designed to make life easier for athletes, providing them with more stability and safety when playing sports. The first sneakers were produced in 1917 by a brand known as Converse All-Star. They became famous three years after when Chuck Taylor, a player from Indiana University, began to … Read more